We are a public policy think tank and advocacy group
With a focus on Lubbock’s public policy as it relates to the financial sustainability of the city, disparities, the built environment, and environmental justice.
Who We Are
We are a dedicated and passionate group of community volunteers working to make the city of Lubbock a better place to live for everyone.
What We Do
Policy Research
We work with a variety of sources to understand the potential uses and effects of public policy at the city level that informs our work and strategies.
Public Policy Education
We help to report policy issues to the citizens of Lubbock, and explain the details of the meaning and effects of policies through public outreach and our weekly livestream, Lubbock Compact Live.
Civic Engagement
We maintain a connection with City Council, City staff, City boards, neighborhood associations, and others to carry out our research, public education and outreach, and to be more effective in our advocacy.
Environmental Research
Lubbock Compact is currently conducting an EPA funded air quality monitoring study in partnership with the Atmospheric Science group at the Texas Tech University Department of Geosciences.
Built Environment Work
We advocate for improvements to Lubbock's built environment including roads, neighborhoods, and parks that add more value and productivity to our communities.
We advocate on behalf of and with communities across the city concerning issues of public policy.
Meet Our Board

Joshua Shankles
President/Managing Director

Robert Baxter

Kim Gonzalez
Secretary/Managing Director

Adam Hernandez
Communications Chair/Managing Director

Morgan Kirkpatrick
Development Chair

Andrew Lisenby
At-Large Board Member

James McKay
At-Large Board Member

Policies We've Influenced

Impact Fees
We advocated for the City of Lubbock to adopt ‘impact fees’ as a tool to protect our city’s financial future and lessen reliance on debt funding by having developers share the bill for new road infrastructure for new developments.

Neighborhood Planner
We advocated for the Neighborhood Planner position at the City of Lubbock to be created and funded.
The first neighborhood plans have been completed for the Dunbar/Manhattan Heights and Jackson/Mahon neighborhoods.
The meetings for the Parkway/Cherry Point neighborhood plan process have started.

Dirt Road Paving Funding
We helped advocate for a combined total of $15.5 million dollars to be appropriated for paving dirt roads in the city of Lubbock.
These projects are still ongoing across the city.

Development Code
We advocated for ‘mixed-use overlay districts’ to be included in the city’s Unified Development Code which empowers economic growth by allowing citizens to open neighborhood-friendly businesses in their home.
We also advocated for ‘buffer zones’ to be included to separate industrial and business uses from houses.

Gateway Street Fund Language
We advocated for the language in the Gateway Street Projects Fund to be changed so that the funds can be used on existing roads and not only brand new roads as it was originally written.
This provides more money for road maintenance from a source that all citizens already pay into.

Zoning Reform
We have continuously advocated for zoning reform to help clean up blighted areas, and allow all communities to improve their productivity and quality of life equally.
The City of Lubbock has now funded a study to look at the current zoning with the intention of making improvements.

Lubbock Disparity Report
“Old Lubbock, Lubbock inside of Loop 289, is trapped in decline despite having excellent connectivity and resilient infrastructure based on a simple, but elegant, grid system.” —Lubbock Disparity Report